Baileys 1L
Baileys 1L is a liqueur based on Irish whiskey and heavy cream, manufactured by Bailey & Co. in Dublin, Ireland.
Introduced in 1974, Baileys was the first Irish cream liqueur on the market. The perfect balance between Irish whiskey and fresh Irish cream.
Baileys 1L is made with whiskey and cream, which are homogenized to form an emulsion, with the help of an emulsifier containing refined vegetable oil. This process prevents the separation of whiskey and cream during storage. The proportion of the rest of the ingredients used is not known, but includes chocolate, vanilla, caramel, sugar and cinnamon. According to the manufacturer, no preservatives are used. The whiskey is enough to preserve the cream.
The cream used in this drink comes from Avonmore Waterford Plc, a dairy cooperative located about 112 km from Dublin. More than 4 million liters of Irish cream are used for the production of Baileys, representing 4.3% of Ireland's total dairy production.
Baileys 1L Tasting Note
- View: Baileys has a dark cream color.
- Nose: Soft notes of vanilla and poop are perceived on the nose and Irish whiskey, vanilla, milk and briefly cocoa are perceived on the palate.
- Mouth: Very pleasant on the palate.
Consumption suggestions
Baileys is ideal to drink alone, in a glass with ice.
Buying Baileys at En Copa de Balón is easy, convenient, and with the guarantee of obtaining the best liquor at the best price and in perfect condition.
Distributed by Diageo España, SA Edif. Spirit.- Avda de la Victoria, 32 (28023 Madrid)
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